
Service of Creation & Workshops:
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Olfactory journeys
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12 rue Malar, 75007 Paris
(by appointment only)

It is only through contact with others that one learns what one knows.



HATS OFF Mister @pedrocsdias! Huge congrats for this nomination to the @digitalbeautyawards as the Best Perfume Brand with @comporta_perfumes ! 👏👏🙌 this 50 will lead us far after its honorable mention at @artandolfaction 😉 You can be proud of your amazing work to give birth to true Creations according to YOUR Passion! 👏 THANK YOU for embarking me in your crazy adventure!! â­ïžđŸ™đŸ’™ #sensaba #comportaperfumes #50 #perfumelovers #luxurybrand #highluxuriousperfumes
NEW! HISTOIRE D’AMOUR 2.0 is much more than a perfume; it is an ode to the love story between its creators, Julien and Madalina, who are celebrating 20 years of deep companionship. It was a great honor for me to interpret this fragrance, as it embodies far more than just a scent: it tells the story of their journey through time, challenges, and joys.

The rich and captivating oud wood blends with a surprising mango accord, both fresh and bold. As the fragrance evolves, more surprises unfold, with softer, gourmand notes that wrap the skin in delicate and refined tenderness.

Thank you, @juletmad_paris for trusting me to create this important chapter of your Love Story. Thank you, @kelian_tardieu for your creative partnership on this beautiful project! And thank you @artdecomposerleparfum for supplying us with the most premium raw materials that allow us to create the most exquisite fragrances!

To be discovered exclusively at @obsentum and then at all of the brand’s retail locations. #artisticfragrance #newfragrance #highluxuryperfume #stephaniebakouche #juletmadparis #passion #creation #love #sensaba
What a true pleasure to introduce VIVI and DAPPER by @comporta_perfumes in Cannes, TFWA 2024! A rare opportunity to pay tribute to the infinitely precious transmission I had the honor to receive from Master @bertrand.duchaufour years ago! Thank you again @pedrocsdias for making this happen ✹ #sensaba
NEW! Terre de Soleil pour @parfumeurs_du_monde, une ode au maquis corse 100% naturelle, des aromates sĂ©chĂ©s aux accents de foin, des notes sĂšches, terreuses, racinaires, illuminĂ©es d’agrumes pĂ©tillants et d’une figue juteuse! Merci @nathalie_whatevershewants et @cinquiemesens pour cette belle soirĂ©e de lancement et pour votre accueil, merci @thierry.bernard.7 pour m’avoir embarquĂ© dans cette merveilleuse aventure tant olfactive qu’humaine :) et fĂ©licitations pour ton merveilleux Fleurs de la Pluie lancĂ© hier soir Ă©galement! Merci Ă  @kelian_tardieu pour ta passion crĂ©ative sur ce travail ensemble et ce dĂ©fi 100%nat! A dĂ©couvrir en exclusivitĂ© pendant 1 mois chez @jovoyparis puis dans tous les PDV de la marque. #passion #creation #hauteparfumerie #parfumnaturel #terredesoleil #fleursdelapluie #parfumeursdumonde #stephaniebakouche #sensaba
New logo, new labels, new creations 🙌 #sensaba
Mes coups de 💙 du #simppar2024 :) Un Schinus molle VeloutĂ© de @ernesto_ventos, coextraction de cette baie avec un mimosa Coeur DM qui se rĂ©vĂšle alors moderne, pĂ©tillant, lumineux

@mane_1871_ toujours prĂ©sent avec ses merveilles de Jungle essences tel le Timur pepper du Nepal, sa rĂ©invention de l’enfleurage dans de l’huile vĂ©gĂ©tale ensuite extraite au CO2, et autres molĂ©cules naturelles biosynthĂ©tisĂ©es et Ă©co responsables.
Merci @floralconceptnaturals pour des naturels toujours plus exquis et rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s Ă  leur plus haute valeur; merci pour cette baie de geniĂšvre rectifiĂ©e qui rend cette rebelle plus soluble dans l’alcool! :-)
Et @payanbertrand_grasse avec le grand Fred Badie aux commandes des trouvailles les plus extraordinaires, des cƓurs de vetyver les plus exquis Ă  des fractions animales d’osmanthus Ă  la se(x)nsualitĂ© renversante..!
Merci @villegrasse et Ă  la @societefrancaisedesparfumeurs d’avoir si bien accueilli et gĂ©rĂ© cette premiĂšre Ă©dition du @simp.par sous votre soleil, et merci Ă  vous tous producteurs de pousser toujours plus loin les limites de la crĂ©ativitĂ©, pour mieux stimuler la nĂŽtre! #grasse #stephaniebakouche #sensaba #simppar2024 #producteurs #artisan #passion
It is with immense pride and joy that our very unique creation 50 with @comporta_perfumes has been awarded an honorable mention at the 10th @artandolfaction awards.
Thank you @pedrocsdias for keeping triggering from me the most vibrating emotions, original contrasts, unique concepts to interpret, to challenge my creativity and give birth to truly artistic fragrances.
Thank you The Institute for @artandolfaction for rewarding true artistic independent perfumery. Huge congrats to the 10 finalists and the 4 other honorable mentions! 🙌 #sensaba #stephaniebakouche